Passeios na Natureza
An original concept of Tourism, elegant, complete and fun - more than a simple stay or excursion, an experience full of smiles and recordings that will be stored forever. Check out our EXPERIENCES!
Birds & Nature Tours Portugal is the longest established Portuguese company specifically dedicated to birds and birding tours. We offer you a wide variety of programmes, including guided birding and bird photography tours.
Wandern, Fugängerwanderungen, geführte Touren, Bootsfahrten, Ausflüge zu den Azoren und Madeira, Camino de Santiago, unter anderem
Kommen Sie und beobachten Vögel in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum, erkunden Sie die wilde Seite des Tejo, nur 30 Minuten von Lissabon entfernt.Geführte Besichtigungen von 5 € bis 12 € Person.
We are a Tourism, Transport and Services company, welcoming as only we, PORTUGUESE, know how to do. Come and discover the beauty of our country.