
Culturgest- Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Culturgest is dedicated to contemporary creation. Culturgest presents a regular programme of Performing Arts, Music, Visual Arts, Cinema and Contemporary Thought.

Mitglied von Turismo Lisboa
10% mit Lisboa Card


Culturgest has a significant role in the artistic scene of both city and country. It is aimed at a diverse public, which includes schools, children and young people, invited to enjoy first-rate programmes and to partake in attractive and inspiring cultural activities.

Culturgest follows the career of theatre directors and choreographers, producing new creations and presenting them to an eclectic audience; commissions visual artists to create works and organises solo and collective exhibitions; presents music concerts of many genres and supports and hosts major film festivals.

In addition, Culturgest also offers a programme of lectures and debates, a wide variety of workshops, guided tours, meetings and initiatives for schools and families.


Rua Arco do Cego, 50, 1000, Lisboa

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Heute: 13:00 - 18:00


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