
Seaview Nautical Events

Welcome aboard! Boat Tours, Corporate and Exclusive groups, Teambuilding Activities. The best speedboat experience in Lisbon!

Mitglied von Turismo Lisboa


SEAVIEW is a nautical events company in Portugal, with a wide range of boats in its portfolio, in order to meet the specific needs of each event, in the most diverse areas.

We make circuits between Lisbon and Cascais along the coast, transfers, regattas, trips on sailboats, catamarans and more extreme activities, in order to use all the resources available in the Lisbon Region.

We have boats prepared for business events (meetings on board, charm actions, cocktails, among others).

Sesimbra, Troia, Porto and Algarve are other regions where we also operate.


Pateo Alfacinha-Rua do Guarda Jóias nº 44, 1300-294 , Lisboa

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