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Wir haben 24 Ergebnisse gefunden.


Monstra - Lisboa Animation Film Festival


Monstra is back in Lisboa with hundreds of entries, ranging from feature-length through short to very short films, many having their world, European or national premiere.


Mafra Jazz Music Cycle

The Mafra Jazz Music Cycle returns to the Auditório Municipal Beatriz Costa, in Mafra.

Ab €5

Italian Film Festival'25


Festa do Cinema Italiano / Italian Film Festival is the leading festival in Portugal for those who are passionate about the italian films and culture.


Sónar Lisboa'25


Sónar Lisboa | the festival which focuses on electronic music and digital culture and through a multicultural programme will bring new ways of give life to the dance floors.




The IndieLisboa festival will once again bring films, short films, animation, documentaries for us to discover over 11 days ... a celebration of independent cinema!


Lisbon Bar Show


The biggest cocktails and hospitality event is back! It presents several exhibitors, workshops, seminars and cocktail competitions, highlighting international trends in this sector.


Lissabon Festen


Lisboa ist zu Beginn des Sommers ein einziges Fest – Vorwand sind die Feierlichkeiten zu Ehren der Volksheiligen.

Freier Eintritt

Future World Film Festival'25

Join us for the Future World Film Festival, June 17, 2025, at Cinema São Jorge. There will be live screenings and an award ceremony recognizing outstanding films in multiple categories.


Meo Kalorama'25


MEO KALORAMA has become leadingsummer festivals. combining Music, Art, and Sustainability. Yearly, thousands of national and international festival-goers fill Parque da Bela Vista to witness unforgettable performances.


Festival Jardins do Marquês'25


A sophisticated Music Festival experience, designed to awaken all the senses, in an iconic space, aimed at an audience that favors quality and comfort and seeks new experiences


Ageas CoolJazz Cascais'25


COOLJAZZ ist ein bedeutendes Musikereignis, das Musik, Natur, Komfort und Kulturerbe miteinander verbindet und im Juli im Hippodrom von Cascais stattfindet.


NOS Alive'25


“The best line-up ever” is coming back to the Passeio Marítimo de Algés for another edition of the NOS Alive festival.


Festival TODOS

Sep 2025

The TODOS festival seeks to “in-neighbour the world”, maintaining its mission to be a meeting point for all!


QUEER LISBOA - International Queer Film Festival'25


[ September ] Queer Lisboa is the sole Portuguese Film Festival dedicated exclusively to screen LGBT themed films, and movies dealing with subjects or aesthetics related to issues such as gender, identities or bodies, a genre known as Queer Cinema.


Festival Amadora BD

Okt 2025

[ Oktober ] Für Comic-Freunde findet in Amadora dieses internationale Festival statt, bei dem sich Leute, die in diesem Bereich arbeiten und Autoren unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten mit dem Publikum treffen.


French Film Festival

Okt 2025

Lisboa once again hosts the French Film Festival, a great cinema celebration.


Doclisboa - Festival Internazionale di Cinema'25


[ Ottobre ] Un festival interamente consacrato ai film documentari, presenterà il meglio della produzione nazionale e internazionale.


Olhares do Mediterrâneo – Women’s Film Festival'25


Lisboa is hosting new points of view: from the Mediterranean and from women. This International Film Festival is dedicated to give visibility to the presence of women in the international cinematographic arena.


LEFFEST | Lisboa Film Festival'25

Nov 2025

[ November ] Great artists, filmmakers, actors, writers and intellectuals meet once again for the Lisboa Film Festival.


Misty Fest'25

Nov 2025

[ November ] From songwriters’ soundscapes to world music and jazz, Misty Fest is truly a different, one-of-a-kind festival.