Hotel A. S. Lisboa

Hotel AS Lisboa invites you to visit Lisbon and its charms. We restyled some areas focusing in portugueses culture and tradition always thinking in our guests. We are waiting for you!

Hotel AS Lisboa invites you to visit Lisbon and its charms. Immerse yourself in the mystique of the city in one of the most emblematic areas of the capital, Alameda D. Afonso Henriques. With a recent refurbishment in most of its areas, it is intended that the guest feel comfortable and have contact with the best that we have, the Portuguese tradition that has passed from generation to generation. Through room decor that centers on Portuguese culture and literature. Topics such as the Popular Saints, Galo de Barcelos, Florbela Espanca or Fernando Pessoa evidence in some rooms.

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Room Type Quantity
Single 0
Double 10
Twin 49
Triple 12
Suite 4
Apartments 0
Townhouses 0
Villas 0
Total 75

3 stars
Rooms with TV
Business Center
Smoking room
24h Front-desk
Bars & Restaurants
Paid Parking
Rooms with private bathroom