Bars & Nightlife

Hot Clube de Portugal

The oldest jazz club in Europe, working since 1948. DownBeat magazine, the renowned American jazz magazine, considers HOT CLUB to be one of the best 100 jazz clubs in the world.

Lisbon Tourism Member


In 1945, jazz enthusiasts were already meeting at the Sangareau brothers' house, exchanging records, listening to what was new and playing. The group grew and organised, more or less informally, jazz sessions with Portuguese and foreign musicians who were passing through Lisbon and were invited to join in.

With the ground prepared to found a jazz club (since it had been gathering potential members for this purpose through a radio programme since 1948), this group, led by Luiz Villas-Boas, moved on to the next step: its formalisation. On 16 March 1950, the statutes of the Hot Clube de Portugal were approved with the slogan "Dissemination of Jazz Music".

From 1950 onwards, they organised Modern Music Festivals, concerts with famous musicians from Sidney Bechet to Count Basie, recordings and many Jam Sessions. 

Today, the Hot Club is one of the oldest jazz clubs in Europe and is certainly the one that has been running uninterruptedly for the longest time.

DownBeat magazine, the renowned American jazz magazine, considers HOT CLUB to be one of the best 100 jazz clubs in the world.

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