More than Houses: How will we live on April 2074?

How can we tackle the housing crisis by adapting cities and territories to the economic and social context, as well as to climate and technological changes?

28 SEP 2024 to 26 JAN 2025 
OPENING 27 SEP 2024, Friday, 7:00 PM
MUDE — Design Museum 
Rua Augusta 24, 1100-053 Lisboa  

How can we tackle the housing crisis by adapting cities and territories to the economic and social context, as well as to climate and technological changes?

1751 students and 281 faculty members from 25 programs in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Fine Arts across the country present proposals to address this challenge in the exhibition "More than Houses: How will we live on April 2074?".

The exhibition is organized by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto in partnership with MUDE — Museum of Design.

It stems from a unique academic meeting that began in April 2023 as part of the "More than Houses" program, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April 1974 revolution.

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