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Water Sports

Go Fishing Portugal

We operate in two areas: fishing tackle trade and tourism. We have new boats brand Rodman 890 Ventura in Sesimbra, Douro and S. Miguel (Azores) and a service of excellence and originality.

Lisbon Tourism Member


Go Fishing is a new business initiative, consisting of four different units, the headquarters Shop / Fishing boutique in Pragal (Almada Business Center) with boat in the port of Sesimbra and three branches: Douro Marina (Porto), Ponta Delgada (Azores ) and N'Gor (Senegal). We operate in two areas: fishing tackle trade and tourism. We believe in personalized service and excellence appropriate to the needs and desires of our customers, from the experienced fishing practitioner, until the most demanding and enthusiastic tourist. Although our focus is on fishing tourism, our costumers can enjoy other unforgettable moments of leisure by sea and by land, in gastronomic and cultural activities that complement the tourist maritime activity. Go Fishing "More than sea"


Rua Marcos de Assunção, 7E - Almada Business Center, 2805-290, Pragal Almada

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