Discover the best fado singers and guitar players. Fascinating performers, sublime guitarists and inspired composers come together at this museum to celebrate Portugal’s traditional music.
The Museu do Fado is one of the must-visit places in Lisbon. Besides representing one of the region’s most important cultural legacies, it also has a restaurant and a themed shop where you can spend some time to catch the spirit of saudade (nostalgia).
Totally devoted to fado and the guitar, it has a permanent exhibition and temporary ones, alongside a document centre and an auditorium with regular events and a very interesting programme.
With songs by the greatest Portuguese artists illustrating an art form that Portugal gave to the world, the museum’s artistic quality will surprise you.
The restaurant serves typical Portuguese food and helps to give your visit a traditional flavour.
But technology, in the form of interactive stations documenting fado’s history throughout the museum and audioguides allowing you to listen to dozens of fado songs composed and sung down the decades, lets you delve further into history.
Time and the music fly, in a restored building of national interest right next door to the neighbourhoods where you can hear fado being sung at night.
Today: 10:00 - 18:00
Renseignements utiles/Transports:
» Bus (Carris) - 728, 735, 759, 794
» Métro (ligne|station) - Azul | Santa Apolónia
» Train (ligne|station) - Norte | Santa Apolónia