The young musicians of the Orquestra Clássica Metropolitana invite us to revisit the Tchaikovsky's music.
At this time of year, when so much around us conjures up a sense of enchantment and fantasy, the young musicians of the Orquestra Clássica Metropolitana invite us to revisit the music that Tchaikovsky premiered at the Bolshoi Theatre in 1877, while onstage a dance was telling a story we all know- Swan Lake. Before that, there’ll be the chance to appreciate the wit of Mozart.
01- Abertura da ópera O Rapto do Serralho, KV 384, W. A. Mozart
02 - Concerto para Flauta N.º 1, KV 313, W. A. Mozart
03 - Suíte do bailado O Lago dos Cisnes, Op. 20ª, P. I. Tchaikovsky
Free entry - limited entry. Get your ticket on the same day, from 13h00, limited to 2 tickets per person; m/6
Metro: Baixa/Chiado (Linhas Azul ou Verde); Bus: 758; Tram: 24, 28
18th december - Wednesday - 21h00
Teatro São Luiz ( Sala Luis Miguel Cintra )
Rua António Maria Cardoso, 38