
42 ergebnisse


Ab 17 Mai, 2024 bis 26 Aug, 2024
Ab €6

This exhibition is dedicated to the work of one of the greatest living figures in global architecture and urbanism, Álvaro Siza Vieira.

‘ATELIER’ - Pedro Cabrita Reis

Ab 19 Mai, 2024 bis 28 Jul, 2024

An unprecedented retrospective of more than 1500 works from Pedro Cabrita Reis, one of Portugal’s most renowned visual artists, with international recognition for his extensive and complex work.

Invisible City

Ab 19 Mai, 2024 bis 23 Sep, 2024

Part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the Museu da Carris and the International Museum Day, this exhibition presents a series of black and white photographs by Américo Simas and a video by José Barbosa.

Young Design Generation - Lisbon Design Week & Roca

Ab 22 Mai, 2024 bis 31 Jul, 2024

The Roca Lisboa Gallery presents the exhibition "Young Design Generation," organized by Lisbon Design Week.


Ab 01 Jun, 2024 bis 01 Okt, 2024

Using words, drawings, illustration, photographs and mixed media, posters transform the streets of Marvila into an open-air gallery and their multiple formats pay tribute to one of the most powerful means of communication.

Memories and Stories: African Art in Focus

Ab 01 Jun, 2024 bis 31 Aug, 2024

This exhibition presents a unique collection of African sculptures, masks and textiles, each of which carries with it the history and culture of Africa, revealing memories and celebrating ancestral traditions.

Who are you? – A national theater looking at the country

Ab 06 Jun, 2024 bis 29 Dez, 2024
Ab €5

This exhibition recounts a period in the history of the D. Maria II Theatre, drawing parallels between the country’s political and social circumstances.

Project CORK BOTTLES | City Cortex

Ab 07 Jun, 2024 bis 24 Sep, 2024

Project CORK BOTTLES, by Sagmeister & Walsh | Sound pollution in public and semi-public spaces remains one of the problems in contemporary cities today and, with a sense of humour, the designers Sagmeister & Walsh tackled the issue of noise!

Norte Júnior - evocative exhibition of his architectural work

Ab 21 Jun, 2024 bis 08 Sep, 2024

The aim of this exhibition is to bring together documentary and photographic elements from a range of works designed and built by Norte Júnior.

When geometry reads poetry, and other stories

Ab 22 Jun, 2024 bis 27 Jul, 2024

Isabel Palma presents When geometry reads poetry, and other stories, an exhibition that explores the relationship between geometry and poetry through paintings and mixed techniques.

Journey to the West

Ab 27 Jun, 2024 bis 20 Okt, 2024
Ab €8

The artist duo Benoit+Bo presents Journey to the West, an exhibition inspired the fantastical journey of a Buddhist monk and his escort through Central Asia.

The Puppet Revolution

Ab 28 Jun, 2024 bis 20 Okt, 2024
Ab €3

The exhibition The Puppet Revolution | 1970-1980 brings together a surprising array of puppets by the most important puppeteers of the 70s and 80s.


Ab 08 Jul, 2024 bis 20 Jul, 2024

The LibertAr-te project, which emerged from the DesconfinArte initiative during the pandemic, explores creativity in different media, from blank canvas to recycled wooden boards.

Júlio Pomar | REVOLUÇÕES 1960-1975

Ab 11 Jul, 2024 bis 24 Nov, 2024

The 1960s and 1970s were times of change in the work and life of Júlio Pomar and this exhibition delves into this period of exploration and reorientation in Pomar’s career, showcasing works that have not been exhibited for a long time.

European Heritage Days

September 2024 (datum noch nicht bestätigt)

[ September ] The Heritage Days are an opportunity to re-familiarise ourselves with the past and to help shape the future.

Festival TODOS

September 2024 (datum noch nicht bestätigt)

The TODOS festival seeks to “in-neighbour the world”, maintaining its mission to be a meeting point for all!

Festival Amadora BD'24

Oktober 2024 (datum noch nicht bestätigt)

[ Oktober ] Für Comic-Freunde findet in Amadora dieses internationale Festival statt, bei dem sich Leute, die in diesem Bereich arbeiten und Autoren unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten mit dem Publikum treffen.

Drawing Room Lisboa'24

Oktober 2024 (datum noch nicht bestätigt)

Focusing on contemporary drawing and the medium of paper, Drawing Room Lisboa has invited several international galleries to present the most “significant, challenging and innovative” works of art from their artists.

Splendor in Venice

Ab 24 Okt, 2024 bis 13 Jan, 2025
Ab €6

Canaletto and Guardi in 18th Century Painting - The Calouste Gulbenkian Museum welcomes the masters of 18th-century Venetian painting in an exhibition organised in collaboration with the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza.

APA - Feira de Outono - Art & Antiques Fair'24

November 2024 (datum noch nicht bestätigt)

APA – Feira de Outono - dedicated to contemporary art and antiques, bringing together renowned antique dealers and Portuguese gallery owners.