Heritage Avenida Liberdade Hotel

Heritage Avenida Liberdade is a small Lifestyle Boutique hotel in the historic center of Lisbon

Heritage Avenida Liberdade Hotel is located on the corner of cosmopolitan Avenida da Liberdade and Largo da Anunciada, offering a calm and intimate atmosphere, next to the Lavra funicular that transports visitors to the top of one of the most beautiful hills in Lisbon.

The building has gained a fresh lease of life due to the renovation project by Portuguese architect, Miguel Câncio Martins.

The restoration maintains all the elements of the eighteenth century façade, masonry work, veranda railings and main wooden entrance door.

Heritage Avenida Liberdade was the winner of the Historic Rehabilitation Prize 2008 of Portuguese Real State Oscars and was also listed in the Condé Nast Traveler Hot List 2007.

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Room Type Quantity
Single 8
Double 19
Twin 15
Triple ---
Suite ---
Apartments ---
Townhouses ---
Villas ---
Total 42

4 stars
Shops Available
Interior Pool
Bars & Restaurants