Hotel York House Lisboa

The York House Lisboa is located at only 10 minutes from Lisbon downtown, in Janelas Verdes Street, close to the Ancient Art National Museum.

The York House Lisboa is located at only 10 minutes from Lisbon downtown, in Janelas Verdes Street, close to the Ancient Art National Museum.York House Hotel has been welcoming travellers from around the world since 1876.

It is part of Lisbon’s history and unparalleled beauty, and the room you are staying in may well have welcomed some renowned travellers… and of course, many great anonymous

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Room Type Quantity
Single ---
Double 13
Twin ---
Triple 12
Suite 8
Apartments ---
Townhouses ---
Villas ---
Total 33

4 stars
Rooms with TV
24h Front-desk
Bars & Restaurants
Rooms with private bathroom