Solar do Castelo

Solar do Castelo is truly a Romantic Boutique hotel in the historic center of Lisbon.

The only hotel within St. George's Castle walls, at the top of Alfama, Solar do Castelo is a small Mansion built on the site of the former Alcaçova Palace.

With two floors and a mansard, an inner courtyard and garden, most part of the furniture was specially designed for the hotel in a Medieval Contemporary style.

You will find welcoming rooms offering complete modern day comfort, such as free wireless access.

During the second half of the XVIII century a mansion was built within St. Jorge's Castle walls on the site of the former Alcáçova Palace kitchens. That's why it is still known as the "Palacete das Cozinhas" (Kitchen Mansion).

Along with two floors and a mansard, an inner courtyard and gardens, the Palacete das Cozinhas possesses some Medieval remains - such as the cistern - which are thought to have formed part of some of the original Palace's outbuildings.

The mansion combines elements of the rationalist Pombal style of building - the sober frames around the windows and the main gateway - with others that expressed a greater freedom, such as the elaborate design that surmounts the wall attached to the gateway in the main façade, on which we can read " 1765 " - the probable date of its construction.

The mansion, which is classified as an Historic Building, has now been transformed into a hotel under the name Solar do Castelo and has been brought back to life by a high-quality contemporary design.

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Room Type Quantity
Single ---
Double 12
Twin 8
Triple ---
Suite ---
Apartments ---
Townhouses ---
Villas ---
Total 20

4 stars
Bars & Restaurants