Orquestra de Jazz do Hot Clube de Portugal with Cristina Branco and Mário Laginha

Fado singer Cristina Branco and pianist Mário Laginha join the Hot Clube de Portugal Jazz Orchestra in an intimate concert.

Quinta da Alfarrobeira Garden (São Domingos de Benfica)
Free entry
12 Sep 2024 - 19h00

Fado singer Cristina Branco and pianist Mário Laginha join the Hot Clube de Portugal Jazz Orchestra, conducted by Pedro Moreira, in an intimate concert that recreates the 2019 concert with the Frankfurt Radio Big Band. A show that combines the virtuoso rhythm of jazz with the melancholy voice of fado.

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  • egeac.pt
  • Quinta da AlfarrobeiraRua António Saúde, 131500-080Lisboa
  • 12 sep, 2024
    Comienza a las 19:00
  • Gratis