
Regulations Governing the Classification of Members of Turismo de Lisboa and Members Dues

Part I - Classification of members

Chapter I - Classification

Article 1

Types of members

  1. Turismo de Lisboa members may be founding, full or associate members.
  2. The management shall decide on any cases in which there is doubt as to whether a member should be classified as a full or associate member.
  3. Any decision taken by the management in regard to the previous point may be appealed at the general meeting.

Article 2

Founding members

The founding members of Turismo de Lisboa are:

Article 3

Full members

Article 4

Associate members

  1. Associate members are:
    • Entities whose business is complementary to the tourism sector or whose inclusion in Turismo de Lisboa is of interest to Lisbon’s tourism offer.
    • Entities located in municipalities that lie outside the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
  2. Entities that wish to contribute to the development of tourism in Lisbon may also be associate members.
  3. Entities that intend to serve as suppliers of goods or providers of services to Turis mode Lisboa, or any of its members, may also be associate members.

Part II - Dues

Chapter II - General remarks

Article 5


  1. Members of Turismo de Lisboa must pay fixed dues and extraordinary dues, in accordance with the provisions of the following articles.
  2. Extraordinary dues are only paid by members in those cases, as decided by the management, in which said members may obtain a special benefit from Turismo de Lisboa.
  3. Turismo de Lisboa members must provide the management with any information it requires to set or check the level of dues.
  4. Making false statements or the unwarranted withholding of information constitutes a serious offence, punishable in accordance with the articles of association.

Article 6


  1. Fixed dues shall be paid until the 10 th of the month to which they refer.
  2. Dues are payable as from the month of admission.
  3. If a member leaves, dues will still be payable until the end of the calendar year in question.

Article 7

Updating of dues

Dues are periodically updated, on a decision of the general meeting that is taken in accordance with the articles of association. Any change will take into account inflation, Turismo de Lisboa’s business activities and the profitability of the sector.

Chapter III - Fixed dues

Article 8


  1. There are seven scales of fixed dues, applied according to the stipulations of the following point.
  2. The scales are as follows:
    • Scale A - € 530,00 per month
    • Scale B - € 374,00 per month
    • Scale C - € 219,00 per month
    • Scale D - € 156,00 per month
    • Scale E - € 107,00 per month
    • Scale F - € 62,00 per month
    • Scale G - € 32,00 per month

Article 9

Application of the scales

  1. Scales are applied automatically, in accordance with the following point.
  2. In those cases where this is not the case, the application of the scales will be decided by the management.
  3. The decisions taken by the management should take into account the size and economic capacity of the entity and the importance of its business activity to tourism.
  4. Decisions taken by the management in accordance with the previous point may be appealed at the general meeting.

Article 10

Automatic application

The scales are applied automatically in the following manner:

Article 11

Reductions on dues

  1. Members located in municipalities that do not lie within the Lisbon Metropolitan Area shall have a 50% reduction on the dues payable for their scale.
  2. The fixed dues will be reduced by 50% for the 2nd establishment belonging to the same company or group
  3. The fixed dues will be reduced by 70% for the 3rd establishment belonging to the same company or group
  4. The fixed dues will be reduced by 80% for the 4th establishment belonging to the same company or group.
  5. The fixed dues will be reduced by 90% for the 5the stablishment belonging to the same company or group
  6. The fixed dues will be reduced by 95% for the 6th or further establishment belonging to the same company or group.
  7. The management may decide, in special cases, to allow a reduction in dues for the members or the associations they represent, where these apply, giving their reasons for such a reduction.
  8. In special cases, the management may agree with the parties in question the payment of higher dues than those stipulated in article 8 of these regulations. They may also agree to accept the payment of dues in another form.

Chapter IV - Extraordinary Dues

Article 12

Extraordinary Dues

Without prejudice to the application of the regulations in force, the management may determine and establish additional dues to be paid by members of Turismo de Lisboa in those situations in which said members derive a particular advantage from their membership.

Chapter V - Final Remarks

Article 13


Dues payable by members will be rounded up to the nearest euro when the decimal part is over 50 cents and rounded down to the nearest euro when the decimal part is equal to, or less than, 50 cents.

Article 16

Doubts and omissions

  1. Any doubts or omissions regarding the payment of dues will be clarified or incorporated by the management.
  2. Decisions taken by the management in accordance with the previous point may be appealed at the general meeting.

Article 17


  1. These regulations shall enter into effect as from 1 st June 2014.
  2. The provisions of paragraph b) of no. 1 of article 4 of these regulations shall be applied retroactively. This means that all Turismo de Lisboa members who are located in municipalities that do not lie within the Lisbon Metropolitan Area will be reclassified as associate members.
  3. The reclassification as associate members of entities located in municipalities that are not part of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area does not confer any right to a refund or the offsetting of any future dues, or those paid or payable, before these regulations came into force.