QUEER LISBOA - International Queer Film Festival'25

[ September ] Queer Lisboa is the sole Portuguese Film Festival dedicated exclusively to screen LGBT themed films, and movies dealing with subjects or aesthetics related to issues such as gender, identities or bodies, a genre known as Queer Cinema.

Queer Lisboa's film and activities program meets the growing permeability of Queer Cinema to the world, no longer restricted to a look at their individual and community realities.

The program of the festival continues to be faithful to the essence of a minority that is distinguished by its form of desire, which has given Queer Cinema over the decades a huge formal and narrative freedom.

Also to better understand and think Queer Cinema, we organize workshops, talks, masterclasses and exhibitions that offer our viewers tools to better analyze it.

With a set of proposals that we believe are encouraging and innovative, Queer Lisboa will continue to accompany the surprising, irreverent and not infrequently avant-garde queer culture.

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