Producers and wines from all over the country come together again for another edition of the Xira Wine Fest, taking place from the 15th to the 17th of November, at the Pavilhão Multiusos in Vila Franca de Xira.
Vila Franca de Xira Multipurpose Pavilion
Vila Franca de Xira is a pioneering municipality in the production of regional wine, a delicacy that could not be ignored during the month of Magusto without dedicating three days of festivities to it.
The Xira Wine Festival promotes contact with small and large wine producers from all over the country, offering a study trip through the grape varieties and wine flavours that Portugal has to offer.
This typical drink is joined by other flavours, such as artisan cheeses, jelly and oysters, as well as restaurants and chefs preparing traditional recipes.
Pavilhão Multiusos de Vila Franca de Xira, N10, Vila Franca de Xira
Train - Azambuja line, Vila Franca de Xira station
Bus - 2306, 2307, 2328, 2535