Term of office: 3 years
Start of current term: 2022
ATL's Governing Bodies are not remunerated.


Position Entity Member
Chairman Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Engº. Carlos Moedas (Presidente) 
Deputy Chairman ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal Dr. José Luis Arnaut (Presidente)
Chairman of the Lisboa Convention Epic Sana Lisboa Hotel Dr. Paulo Monge (Director Desenv. Mercados Grupo Sana)
Member of the Board ERT-RL Dra. Carla Salsinha (Presidente) 
Member of the Board AHP - Associação da Hotelaria de Portugal  Dr. Frederico Costa (Vice-presidente do Conselho Directivo) 
Member of the Board Câmara Municipal de Sintra Dr. Bruno Parreira (Vice-presidente) 
Member of the Board APAVT - Associação Portuguesa das Agências de Viagens e Turismo Dra. Paula Antunes (Directora Tesoureira) 
Member of the Board Câmara Municipal de Cascais Dr. Bernardo Barros (Presidente ATC)
Member of the Board  AHRESP - Associação dos Restaurantes e Similares de Portugal Dr. Carlos Moura (Presidente)
Member of the Board Câmara Municipal de Mafra Dr. Pedro Carmo Silva (Vereador)
Member of the Board UACS - União das Associações de Comércio e Serviços Dr. José Gomes de Castro
Member of the Board Quake Dr. Ricardo Clemente (Gerente) 
Member of the Board TAP Dr. Nuno Sousa (Sales Director for Portugal & Africa)
Member of the Board MEO Arena Dr. Jorge Vinha da Silva (Administrador Executivo)
Member of the Board Hotel Quinta da Marinha Dr. João Pinto Coelho (Director Vendas e Marketing)
Member of the Board Everything is New Dr. Álvaro Covões (Director Geral)
Member of the Board FCCB Dra. Madalena Reis (Administradora e Vogal do Conselho de Administração)


General Meeting

Position Entity Member
Chairman of the General Meeting Committee CNC Dra. Maria Calado (Presidente)
Secretary of the General Meeting Committee Barraqueiro Transportes Eng.º Martinho Santos Costa (Administrador Delegado)
Member of the General Meeting Committee Clube de Campo da Aroeira Dr. Cristóbal Ramos (Gerente)


Audit Board

Position Entity Member
Chairman of the Audit Board Pousada de Lisboa Dr. Luis Castanheira Lopes (Administrador Pestana Hotel Group)
Secretary of the Audit Board AVIS Budget Group Dr. Filipe Taveira (Leisure Sales Manager)
Member of the Audit Board Câmara Municipal de Loures Dr. Vasco Touguinha (Vereador)