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Ristoranti e locali notturni

The Lingerie Restaurant

The Lingerie Restaurant is the first erotic chain of restaurants in Portugal! The concept rests in a mix of high-quality aphrodisiac cuisine, glamorous environment, lively and tasteful entertainment.

Membro di Lisbona Turismo


The Lingerie Restaurant is the first erotic chain of restaurants in Portugal! The Lingerie Restaurant open in 2004 brings a unique concept.

The concept rests in a mix of high-quality aphrodisiac cuisine, glamorous environment, lively and tasteful entertainment.

Additionally (and aptly explaining the restaurant chains' name) the restaurant's waiters and waitresses wear only the most sexy lingerie!

  • Internazionale
  • Tradizionale Portoghese
  • Musica dal Vivo
  • 20€ a 50€
  • Terrazza


Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, 88A, 1050-018, Lisboa

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Oggi: 20:30 - 02:00