
António Zambujo


In 2025 António Zambujo returns to the stage, with a show scheduled for Sagres Campo Pequeno.

Da €15 a €60


António Zambujo, recently appointed as the new Ambassador for Vidigueira Wines, Alentejo, returns to the stage in 2025 for a must-see concert in Lisbon.

The singer will run through the songs that have marked his career over the last few years, including hits like Pica do 7, or Valsa do Vai Não Vás.

In this show, Zambujo reveals the art of captivating his listeners, proving that there are many layers to the artist's world.

February 22nd
9:00 p.m.

Sagres Campo Pequeno
(Metro) Campo Pequeno
(bus) 727, 736, 738, 744, 749, 754, 756, 783
tickets: 15€-60€ 

Campo Pequeno

Centro de Lazer do Campo Pequeno, 1000-082, Lisboa

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