
Lisbon Film Orchestra


Lisbon Film Orchestra is the first Portuguese Orchestra playing music from movies and great composers who wrote unforgettable soundstracks to movie industry.

Da €12.5 a €35Età minima: 6


LISBON FILM ORCHESTRA asserts as the first Portuguese Orchestra playing music from movies. It's singular mission, is to sound in a concert hall, the music of great composers who wrote unforgettable soundstracks to movie industry.

We invite you to experience the interpretation of original soundtracks of films and series, like Barbie, James Bond, Lord of the Rings, The Phantom of the Opera, Harry Potter, Wednesday, Stranger Things, The Simpsons, and the eternally magical compositions of composers such as John Williams, Hans Zimmer or Ennio Morricone. Several musical pieces of the most emblematic films and series will be performed, some of which for the first time by Lisbon Film Orchestra, which has been innovating and surprising the public for over 15 years of existence, dedicated to the interpretation of original soundtracks.

Created by the Association LISBON FILM ORCHESTRA (a non-profit organization), the orchestra aims to face the lack of interest / passion for erudite music by children and teenagers to answer the challenges of information and knowledge society .

It's mission is to facilitate the acquisition of a set of knowledge that promote the sustained musical hearing (live), quality, diversified in musical, cultural and artistic experiences, as also, understanding and appreciating music as culture in its artistic, aesthetic, cultural, social and communicative dimensions.


Campo Pequeno

Centro de Lazer do Campo Pequeno, 1000-082, Lisboa

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