
Mariza | Fado no Castelo


Festas de Lisboa | The leading name in Fado, Mariza takes to the stage at the Castelo de São for an unique night where much-loved songs will be performed.

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The leading name in Fado, Mariza takes to the stage at the Castelo de São Jorge with a new album and a career spanning over 20 years.

It is a unique night where much-loved songs such as Chuva, Ó gente da minha terra, and Oiça lá ó senhor vinho will be performed, accompanied by musicians Luís Guerreiro, Phelipe Ferreira, Adriano Alves, João Freitas, and João Frade.


Free admission for ticketholders; tickets can be acquired on the day of the show at the Castle’s ticket office from 6pm (maximum of 2 tickets per person).



Castelo de São Jorge

R. de Santa Cruz do Castelo, 1100-129, Lisboa

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