
Poster Mostra


Through words, drawings, illustrations, pictures and mix media, the posters turn the streets of Marvila into an open-air gallery.

Ingresso gratuito


Until September; on the streets of Marvila.
Free entry.
More information at: postermostra.com/poster-mostra

Through words, drawings, illustrations, pictures and mix media, the posters turn the streets of Marvila into an open-air gallery and their multiple  formats celebrate one of the most powerful means of communication.

This is already the eighth edition of this initiative, which turns the streets of Lisboa into canvases that display the work of renowned or emerging artists in full communion with the local population.

Sean Riley, Inês Menezes, Paulo Arraiano, Ivo Canelas, Márcio Vilela and César Mourão are some of the names included in this event.

These artists will also be joined by the 17 winners of the Open Call Poster and Open Call Sandeman contests.



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