Misty Fest'24

[ November ] From songwriters’ soundscapes to world music and jazz, Misty Fest is truly a different, one-of-a-kind festival.

From songwriters’ soundscapes to world music and jazz, Misty Fest is truly a different, one-of-a-kind festival, and the only place in our country of Portugal where the weird and wonderful can take the festival stage for a sweet November treat, boasting a wide-ranging programme that explores that unexplored in other festivals, a musical odyssey!

The festival programme includes a mix of national and emerging talent and famous international artists covering a vast selection of musical styles, ranging from folk to rock, as well as orchestral, electronic and world music.


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  • www.misty-fest.com
  • Mindestalter: 6
  • Musicbox LisboaB.LezaTeatro Municipal São LuizVillage Underground LisboaCineteatro CapitólioCentro Cultural de Belém
  • Ab 01 Nov, 2024 bis 01 Dez, 2024
  • Ab €9