Réveillon 2024 – Royal Palace

Royal Palace’s New Year’s Eve will welcome 2024 at the heart of Lisboa.

Considered to be an unmissable event on New Year’s Eve in the capital, the already famous countdown with an audio-visual show and a privileged view will not be missing this year.

With dinner and a party which extends past midnight, the event rolls out the red carpet for the new year in the new Pavilhão Carlos Lopes and presents the best music and nationally renowned artists to bid a grand farewell to 2023.

31st December, from 8 pm, Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, Parque Eduardo VII

Metro: Parque.
Tickets: from 35 to 65 euros.
More information at: royalpalace.pt

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  • www.royalpalace.pt
  • Pavilhão Carlos LopesParque Eduardo VII - Avenida Sidónio Pais1050Lisboa
  • À partir 31 déc., 2023 jusqu’à 01 jan., 2024
  • À partir €35 jusqu’à €65