The Puppet Revolution

The exhibition The Puppet Revolution | 1970-1980 brings together a surprising array of puppets by the most important puppeteers of the 70s and 80s.

From the end of the 1960s, the Portuguese art of puppetry is agitated by the winds of change which began to be felt in the arts in general.
Puppets and puppet theatre become  a fundamental cultural agent in the new concept of education through art which by then begins to make its way.

In 20 years, a growing interest in the art of puppetry develops: old repertoires are recovered, puppet typologies are reinvented, new processes for plastic creation and manipulation are researched. The plastic design of the show, more elaborate, stems from an object, a drawing and an artistic thinking. Musicians and orchestras are put to work, new audiences are located in all age groups and cultural levels.

The 1970s and 1980s would be one of the most fertile, creative and original periods of puppet theatre of the 20th century.
The Puppet Revolution | 1970-1980 can be visited at the puppet Museum until October 20th.

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  • Musée de la MarionnetteConvento das Bernardas, R. da Esperança, 1461200-660MadragoaLisboa
  • À partir 28 juin, 2024 jusqu’à 20 oct., 2024
  • À partir de €3