
9 risultati

Cine Society'24

Da 04 lug, 2024 a 14 ott, 2024
Da €13.9

The seventh art takes to the streets with Cine Society offering the best films, both classic and contemporary, in unique locations with unparalleled views over Lisbon.

MOTELx – Festival Int. del Cinema Horror'24

Da 10 set, 2024 a 16 set, 2024

[ Setembre ] Un festival che nasce con l’obiettivo di promuovere il meglio del cinema del terrore, in tutte le sue varianti.

QUEER LISBOA - International Queer Film Festival'24

Da 20 set, 2024 a 28 set, 2024

[ September ] Queer Lisboa is the sole Portuguese Film Festival dedicated exclusively to screen LGBT themed films, and movies dealing with subjects or aesthetics related to issues such as gender, identities or bodies, a genre known as Queer Cinema.

French Film Festival'24

ottobre 2024 (data da confermare)

Lisboa once again hosts the French Film Festival, a great cinema celebration.

Doclisboa - Festival Internazionale di Cinema'24

ottobre 2024 (data da confermare)

[ Ottobre ] Un festival interamente consacrato ai film documentari, presenterà il meglio della produzione nazionale e internazionale.

Tribeca Festival Lisboa

Da 17 ott, 2024 a 19 ott, 2024

Tribeca Enterprises announced the first-ever European-edition of the Tribeca Festival and Lisboa was the chosen city!

Olhares do Mediterrâneo – Women’s Film Festival'24

novembre 2024 (data da confermare)

Lisboa is hosting new points of view: from the Mediterranean and from women. This International Film Festival is dedicated to give visibility to the presence of women in the international cinematographic arena.


aprile 2025 (data da confermare)

The IndieLisboa festival will once again bring films, short films, animation, documentaries for us to discover over 11 days ... a celebration of independent cinema!

Italian Film Festival'25

aprile 2025 (data da confermare)

Festa do Cinema Italiano / Italian Film Festival is the leading festival in Portugal for those who are passionate about the italian films and culture.