The Phantom of the Opera
The world's most popular musical, Andrew Lloyd Webber's ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, makes a triumphant appearance at Lisbon's Sagres Campo Pequeno between 15 and 27 October this year.
Winner of more than 70 major theatre awards and watched by more than 160 million people in almost 200 cities, the world’s most famous musical makes its debut in Lisboa.
The Phantom of the Opera, which is based on the novel by Gaston Leroux, lifts the veil over the depths of the Paris Opera.
Enamoured by the talent and beauty of the young soprano Christine, the Phantom tries to lure her into becoming his protégé.
But will she be able to resist the mystery of the Phantom of the Opera, or will she be drawn into his world of obsession, darkness and betrayal?
From 15th to 27th October
weekdays | 9:00 p.m.
weekends | 3:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Sagres Campo Pequeno
Metro - Campo Pequeno
Bus - 727, 736, 738, 744, 749, 754, 756, 783
tickets: 35€-125€
- Campo PequenoCentro de Lazer do Campo Pequeno1000-082Lisboa
- Da 15 ott, 2024 a 27 ott, 2024
- Da €39 a €125