Seafood Festival: Setúbal Oyster Special

The Setúbal Oyster is the queen of this gastronomic festival, whether au naturel, baked or with a topping, oysters are presented in different ways by local producers

The Setúbal Oyster is the queen of this gastronomic festival.

Whether au naturel, baked or with a topping, oysters are presented in different ways by local producers, who reveal both the characteristics of this mollusc and the flavour it gains from its habitat in the Sado estuary.

Among various local products of marine origin, visitors can try fresh seafood flavours, in particular the Setúbal oyster, a product with international appeal.

23rd to 25th August
Largo José Afonso, Av. Luísa Todi, Setúbal
(bus) 4407, 4414, 4415, 4419
free admission 

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